Trusted by leading hospitals

weight Management Made Simple

How does W8Buddy work?

Your digital companion in weight loss and health management.

Goal-focused approach

Learn how to achieve clinically meaningful weight loss based on your self-selected health goals.

Precision behavioural change

Our health programmes and behavioural change support is tailored to you, your unique biology and preferences.

Health coaching

Speak to our expert nutritionists and psychotherapists about your goals, follow our programs in your own time - or do both!

Explore the app
Gro Health X W8Buddy Logo

The leading all-in-one health app

Personalised nutrition programs

Evidence-based health programs supported with behavioural change techniques and tools.

Holistic approach

Focus on getting active, eating a healthier diet, improving sleep hygiene, and building mental resilience.

24/7 Support

Receive in-app support, as well as access to a supportive community and virtual meet-ups.

Food diary & tracking

Our app includes a food diary with a barcode scanner and AI plate recognition, as well as health tracking for biomarkers like weight or blood sugar.

Tailored recipes

Enjoy a library of healthy recipes tailored to your goals, dietary preferences, and budget.

Available anywhere

Get W8Buddy on the web, mobile, smart devices, and offline.

Innovative food diary

Try our AI food diary

Taking the burden out of food tracking.

Food diary

Effortlessly log every bite and sip. Gain clarity on your nutrition and stay accountable with our intuitive food and drink journal.

AI food recognition

Discover what's on your plate instantly. Our cutting-edge AI identifies and breaks down your meals, tapping into a comprehensive food database for precise tracking.

Endless trackable recipes

Dive into a vast collection of delectable recipes tailored to your preferences. Enjoy an ever-growing variety of healthy and flavourful dishes, and seamlessly save your favourites to your food diary.

Gro Health app showing the food diary and breakfast, lunch and dinner recommendations.

Co-developed specifically for NHS Tier 3 Weight Management Services

The service was co-developed by the entire NHS specialist weight management (obesity) multidisciplinary team at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire (weight management dietitians, psychologists and physicians led by Dr Petra Hanson (NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Diabetes and Endocrinology, MBChB, BSc, MRCP, FHEA, PhD) and ongoing feedback from people within the NHS obesity clinical service.

Dr. Petra Hanson showing off the W8Buddy app
Members love it

Recommend by our members

Gro Health gave me the discipline and structure to meditate regularly and effectively; I've really enjoyed using this feature of the app, among its many others.

Sean J

Play Store Reviewer

This app is one of the most used on my phone, it connects in with my watch and has helped me lose 9kg in 4 weeks


Play Store Reviewer

The sleep meditations have been very useful to help me fall asleep and I'm now sleeping through the night without waking up like I used to. Recommended 💯

Minpreet Kaur

Play Store Reviewer

My anxiety has reduced so much and I feel more optimistic about life.


App Store Review

Having very little help from my doctor I was left to research for myself which can leave you confused. This app is very easy to use, full of the relevant information you need and tailored to you.


App Store Reviewer

This is a great app for people who want to have data on their health and education to improve every aspect of their life.

Esso A

Play Store Reviewer

I've been checking my wellness score daily - it's a really cool way to see how I feel.

Mark H

Play Store Reviewer

Since downloading and using the app daily I’m feeling healthier and even sleeping better.. highly highly recommend


App Store Reviewer

I've been checking my wellness score daily - it's a really cool way to see how I feel.

Mark H

Play Store Reviewer


Start your weight loss journey

If you've been referred to the specialist weight management at University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire, simply click the button below and fill out the form to get free access.

Not a patient at University Coventry & Warwickshire Hospitals? Get in touch.
Looking to commission W8Buddy? Click here to learn more

Frequently asked questions

What is Gro Health W8Buddy?
Show answer

Gro Health W8Buddy is the first digital support tool developed specifically for NHS Tier 3 Weight Management Services (T3WMS). It provides users with a personalised weight management plan supporting an individual and their family or carers to develop attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and skills to self-manage their health.

W8Buddy is our precision T3WMS hosted in the Gro Health app. Our programme addresses the 4 key pillars of health.

  • Nutrition: your health starts with what you eat. Choose a certified personalised nutrition program and find resources and meal plans personalised to disease, budget, dietary preferences, and cultural and social norms.
  • Sleep: education to support healthy sleep routines and in-app guided sleep meditations, music to sleep to and bedtime stories to aid sleep.
  • Activity: browse personal trainer led guided exercises personalised to fitness, covering strength and mobility training, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), cardiovascular training.
  • Mental wellbeing: education and resources to optimise mental resilience supported by mindfulness meditations, guided yoga, and 360° augmented reality visualisation exercises.

Members are empowered with all the tools needed to succeed:

  • Coaching: unlimited support from Health Coaches to keep members accountable.
  • Community: peer support and virtual meet-ups connecting members with similar goals.
  • Health tracking: track weight, activity, sleep, mood, blood glucose, mindfulness and more.
  • Food AI: scan barcodes, type, or take a photo to recognise and log foods.
  • Daily support: fresh tips, news, Q&A, expert opinion, and live classes.
  • Wellness: measure signals from your body to see insights to empower your decisions.
  • Personalised care: no-one is the same and that is why Gro sends Smart Notifications based on behaviours and selects content curated for members based on goals and progress.

Gro is regulated as a Class I Medical Device available on the web, iOS, Android and Amazon Alexa.

How does it work?
Show answer

Once you register, you can tailor your Gro Health experience so you receive goal-focused, structured education in 4 therapy areas, health coaching and useful resources to support you to start and sustain healthy habits.

Who made Gro Health W8Buddy?
Show answer

The digital support tool was developed by the specialist weight management (obesity) multidisciplinary team at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire (weight management dietitians, psychologist and physicians, led by Dr Petra Hanson (NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Diabetes and Endocrinology, MBChB, BSc, MRCP, FHEA, PhD) and Dr. Thomas M Barber (Associate Professor, Consultant Endocrinologist and Clinical Lead for the Obesity service at UHCW NHS Trust, MA (Cantab) MBBS FRCP Dphil (Oxon) FHEA FAoP)), feedback from people within the NHS obesity clinical service and DDM Health, providers of NHS-trusted digital technologies.

Is W8Buddy free for UHCW patients?
Show answer

Yes! Just complete the form to begin your signup.

Can I interact with other users on the peer-to-peer forum?
Show answer

Absolutely! The forum is designed for users to share experiences, and tips, and find support from our moderated community.

How does one-to-one health coaching work?
Show answer

After signing up, you'll be paired with a health coach. You can schedule consultations, ask questions, and get personalised advice tailored to your needs through text/type.

What could I achieve?
Show answer

People using W8Buddy can achieve weight loss and improve mental health outcomes. Read the research here.

Is it right for me?
Show answer

Gro Health W8Buddy is intended for anyone who has been referred to specialist weight management at University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire.

How will my personal data be shared with my referring healthcare team?
Show answer

You have been offered Gro Health W8Buddy as part of the NHS weight management service. Your healthcare team at UHCW who referred you to the service will be able to access your personal data through our online analytics dashboard. You opt in to sharing this data when you sign up to the platform. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email the team via [email protected].

Still have questions?

Our dedicated support team are on hand to get you started with your weight loss journey.

Click here to contact us
Call us any time on 0330 133 0307